광주호빠 O1O.5712.0948 광주호스트빠 광주여성전용노래방 광주정빠

광주호빠 O1O.5712.0948 광주호스트빠 광주여성전용노래방 광주정빠

광주호빠 O1O.5712.0948 광주호스트빠 광주여성전용노래방 광주정빠

광주호빠 O1O.5712.0948 광주호스트빠 광주여성전용노래방 광주정빠

Cho-il and Cheon Yeo-rang walked down the center of the dark castle

as night drew to a close. The reason is because Chen Yeo-rang wante

to do that. Cho Il nodded and followed her to Cheon Yeo-rang’s com

plaint.People looked at the long sword in Choil’s left hand, but since sh

e was an occasional visitor to the Murim people, she looked around wit

hout much difficulty and smiled at this and that among the people. An

d I was standing in front of a luxurious store that sells trinkets.”It’s one

piece of silver, sir.”Among the various items that looked luxurious just by

looking at them, the ones containing the Cheonyeorang were two small

jadeite rings. It was a representative accessory that could be worn on th

wrist. It was slightly reddish and looked pretty. Choil put the jade ring o

n her wrist and saw Cheon Yeo-rang smiling brightly, and took out her

money.For Choil, a piece of silver was a huge sum of money. Because it d

광주호빠 O1O.5712.0948 광주호스트빠 광주여성전용노래방 광주정빠

oesn’t matter where the money comes from. But rather than thinking it w

as a waste, she had a strange feeling at the thought of buying something

for someone for the first time. Choil smiled because he didn’t hate it. The

smile she had lost after meeting Chen Yeo-rang was often drawn on her

lips.”Hahaha, thank you very much. But customers have good eyesight. It’s

hard to find such a thing anywhere. It’s a great blessing to buy it for a sin

gle piece of silver. But did you buy it for a customer?”In response to the mer

chant’s question, Cheon Yeo-rang thought that she was dressed as a man. Sh

e said, so she quickly hid her bracelet with her sleeve, drawing an awkward s

mile. It is because if there is a misunderstanding, she will have strange ima

ginations.”Hahaha, I’m buying this to give to my younger brother.”

At Chen Yeo-lang’s words, the merchant smiled, nodded her head, and thanke

광주호빠 O1O.5712.0948 광주호스트빠 광주여성전용노래방 광주정빠

d her. Chun Yeolang sighed at her.”I don’t know why this is?”As Chun Yeo-rang b

eat her own head and blamed herself, Cho-il smiled at her.”Why do you keep la

ughing from earlier? Say something?””okay…!!””It’s the same thing, yes, yes, yes,

yes here, yes there, chit…!”As Chun Yeo-rang grumbled, sticking out her lips, Cho

-il watched her silently, and as the shops around her closed their doors one by

one, she said,”Let’s go back.””already……?”At the end of Choil, Yeorang Cheon mad

e her sad face. However, she pretended to hit him by raising her fist when Choil,

who was slightly ahead of her, showed her back. Then, when her eyes met with her

Cho-il, who looked behind her, Yeo-rang Cheon drew her awkward smile and awkw

ardly lowered her raised hand.”Aren’t you going…?””Let’s go. Yes, go! Go!”As Chun Yeo

-rang grumbled and walked in front of her, she wondered what was the reason for he

r sudden angry expression. Even if Choil dies, he won’t know that it’s because of him.

광주호빠 O1O.5712.0948 광주호스트빠 광주여성전용노래방 광주정빠

After returning to her inn, Cheon Yeo-lang entered the room and quickly took her br

acelets from her sleeves and put them on each of her arms. Then she lifted her hand

s to and fro and looked at them, a smile painted on her lips.This is the first gift she

has ever received since she was born. She was more precious than anything else be

cause she was a gift from him that he loved.Cho-il looked at her like that and sat d

own on her chair. He was still unsure of what was on his mind. But a thousand is good