상무지구룸싸롱 O1O.5712.0948 상무지구노래홀 상무지구노래클럽 상무지구노래방

상무지구룸싸롱 O1O.5712.0948 상무지구노래홀 상무지구노래클럽 상무지구노래방

상무지구룸싸롱 O1O.5712.0948 상무지구노래홀 상무지구노래클럽 상무지구노래방
상무지구룸싸롱 O1O.5712.0948 상무지구노래홀 상무지구노래클럽 상무지구노래방

상무지구룸싸롱 O1O.5712.0948 상무지구노래홀 상무지구노래클럽 상무지구노래방

He thought he wanted to go back to his hometown and go the way his p

arents had lived. He had the idea that fighting with others would only incr

ease the pain.’The face of the horseman was severe despair. He must have f

elt guilty about his defeat. Looking at his distressed face, I wonder what I a

m gaining from learning martial arts like this. The teacher said that only stro

ng people can survive. But am I still walking on the road like this and living

without any inconvenience? So far, I have looked into the eyes of many peop

le. Every time I looked at those eyes, I was suffering from seeing the image

in their hearts. I want to take it off!’Ma Sang-wi found a quiet place and took

out a pill from his sleeve to treat the internal wound and closed his eyes. Then

sweat poured down like rain and the muscles in his face contorted with pain

running through his body. It was because of the pain caused by excessive int

상무지구룸싸롱 O1O.5712.0948 상무지구노래홀 상무지구노래클럽 상무지구노래방

ernal air management in the confrontation with Choil.The horseman has already

consumed a lot of internal energy while demonstrating deterioration. Moreove

r, when Cho-il fought against him, he gathered his energy until the end and fo

ught against it. When he used up all his energy, the tip of Choil’s sword touch

ed his throat.Ma Sang-wi surrendered and did not want to lose the confidenc

e of the first day. With that thought, he even drew Seoncheon’s Jingi and sho

wed off his light work. When he used Seoncheon Jingi, he even came up to

hemoptysis, but he endured the thought that Choil was watching from behin

d. On the contrary, it made the situation even worse.Ma Sang-sang found sta

bility to some extent with one daejucheon, but he needed at least 5 daejuche

on to be properly stabilized, so he used the new skill again because it was det

eriorating. But he felt the coming energy and soon had to open his eyes with

상무지구룸싸롱 O1O.5712.0948 상무지구노래홀 상무지구노래클럽 상무지구노래방

his luck suspended.”It’s been a while, they said that rivers and mountains are

changing… I ran to see your face at Common Mountain. But I couldn’t see you

r face. With Heaven’s help, are you sitting here today?”When Ma Sang-wi open

ed his eyes, he saw about 50 people standing in front of him. Among them wer

e Paeng Ga-ho, Byeok Jin-jin, and Dang Ok-bi, whom he met in Ju-ru. Ma Sang

-wi looked at the middle-aged man in his fifties who spoke to him. He was an

ascetic wearing a shaman’s white uniform.”Hyunwoon…!”When Ma Sang-wi saw

Hyun-woon, he got up from his seat. Hyeon-woon is one of the swordsmen the

shaman faction is proud of. The shaman faction had many students who had a

bad relationship with the horseman from the past. Hyunwoon was also one of t

hem, and if it was normal, he was a person he didn’t want to meet in his curre

t state.”It’s been 10 years since I’ve seen your face like this, horseback!”Hyunwo

on said, holding the sword slung over his shoulder. Ma Sang-wi looked at the fi

gures behind Hyun-woon. Among them, the strong-looking face of Pang Ga-h

entered.”Is it anger that I didn’t open my heart at that time…?”Hearing the hors

eman’s voice, Paeng Ga-ho put on a slightly confused expression. But he soon

came out holding the sword.”It’s rare to get a chance to kill you, so I came here.

It’s our sect’s mission to kill Sapa’s leader!”“I am injured right now. I believe that

a rightist faction will open the way for you.”