광주룸싸롱 O1O.5712.0948 광주비지니스룸싸롱 치평동유흥주점 치평동노래방

광주룸싸롱 O1O.5712.0948 광주비지니스룸싸롱 치평동유흥주점 치평동노래방

광주룸싸롱 O1O.5712.0948 광주비지니스룸싸롱 치평동유흥주점 치평동노래방
광주룸싸롱 O1O.5712.0948 광주비지니스룸싸롱 치평동유흥주점 치평동노래방

광주룸싸롱 O1O.5712.0948 광주비지니스룸싸롱 치평동유흥주점 치평동노래방

“It’s been several years since I left Goryeo. Mor

eover, since I moved secretly, no one would rec

ognize me.”“It’s easy for you to say things like t

hat because you don’t know the fear of inspect

ors.”Kang Yun-chung explained the changed Gor

yeo.He was also in Gaegyeong on the day of the

Imjin Coup.That night, full of blood, wind, blowin

g, and screaming, was still vivid in my mind.

For nearly several months, the streets of Gaegye

ong were lined with the heads of executed traito

rs and criminals.However, no matter how much I

explained, Bae Jeon acted like a stuck-up person,

and it seemed like he was already blinded by his

lust for power.“Does Giseong-gun also know this

fact?”The Prince mentioned here was Yoon Si-w

광주룸싸롱 O1O.5712.0948 광주비지니스룸싸롱 치평동유흥주점 치평동노래방

oo.Originally, the official name was Sunseonghye

opdeokchanrigongshingiseonggun, but they usu

ally shortened it to this.Bae Jeon shook his head

at that question.“He has no contact with the pers

on who is in exile in Gaksan (角山). “I plan to se

nd someone soon to find out.”“Then how do you

plan to pull off the coup? “Those who stood by o

ur side in the past have dispersed, each looking

for their own way to live.”“First of all, I plan to tak

e Gyeongchang Buwongun to Daedo. Wouldn’t it

be okay to receive approval from the Empress an

d Her Majesty the Emperor there?”Hearing that, K

ang Yun-chung was also slightly shaken.This is b

ecause there was no possibility at all.If the origin

al imperial family fully supported him, it would n

ot be difficult for him to be reinstated.However, it

already gone to Ganghwa to meet him. So it wou

d be better to make a decision quickly.”“What on

earth does that mean?”“We are planning to take

광주룸싸롱 O1O.5712.0948 광주비지니스룸싸롱 치평동유흥주점 치평동노래방

Gyeongchang Buwongun to the Yuan Dynasty at

dawn tomorrow. So there is no time to think

deeply.”“Is there a way to go back?”Bae Jeon

odded his head yes.He had already bribed a m

erchant from the Yuan Dynasty.Before entering B

yeokran Island, a ship was waiting at Ganghwa w

here it was anchored, and they were scheduled t

o board it and return to the Yuan Dynasty aroun

d dawn.However, he said that he planned to rem

in in Goryeo for a while to recruit sympathizers

from within.The first subject was Kang Yun-chung.

Should I be happy about this?Or should he get

광주룸싸롱 O1O.5712.0948 광주비지니스룸싸롱 치평동유흥주점 치평동노래방

angry and kick me out.Kang Yun-chung was sp

eechless for a moment.Then, when he heard so

mething suspicious coming from outside, he tur

ed his head and suddenly the door was smash

ed.At the same time, someone ran in, four wa

rriors holding sharp swords.When Kang Yun-c

hung saw them, he became thoughtful.