광주룸싸롱 O1O.5712.0948 광주유흥주점 광주비지니스룸싸롱 광주정통룸싸롱

광주룸싸롱 O1O.5712.0948 광주유흥주점 광주비지니스룸싸롱 광주정통룸싸롱

광주룸싸롱 O1O.5712.0948 광주유흥주점 광주비지니스룸싸롱 광주정통룸싸롱
광주룸싸롱 O1O.5712.0948 광주유흥주점 광주비지니스룸싸롱 광주정통룸싸롱

광주룸싸롱 O1O.5712.0948 광주유흥주점 광주비지니스룸싸롱 광주정통룸싸롱

This was because it had not been improved y

et.After waiting with a nervous mind for a lon

g time, a loud noise followed by a puff of sm

oke.The iron ring flying in the sky was just a s

mall dot, so it was impossible to follow it with

the eyes.So, those waiting near the landing po

int found the fallen iron ring and waved a flag

, but it was less than the distance from the riv

er estuary.“Approximately how far is that?”

“It’s at least a thousand steps. “You have to get

past the middle of the river to see twelve hun

dred.”“Then fire the second cannon.”“I’m going

o try the new gunpowder made from salt vine

gar.”Choi Mu-seon sent a signal again.Then

was fired from the second artillery.Cheolhwan

광주룸싸롱 O1O.5712.0948 광주유흥주점 광주비지니스룸싸롱 광주정통룸싸롱

who was flying straight, fell in the middle of t

he river.Thanks to the spray, there was no need

to look for an impact point this time. According

to what Choi Mu-seon said earlier, it seemed li

e it was about twelve hundred paces. There was

definitely a difference in performance, perhaps

because it was a high-purity salt vinegar.Not on

ly Choi Mu-seon but also Yeom Cho-jang notic

ed this and muttered with curious faces as to w

hat was going on.But it is still a little too early t

o be surprised.“Try shooting the newly made g

unpowder this time.”Only then did Choi Mu-se

on come to his senses and send a signal.

The gunpowder used in the third artillery was

광주룸싸롱 O1O.5712.0948 광주유흥주점 광주비지니스룸싸롱 광주정통룸싸롱

made from newly imported salt vinegar and co

ning was completed.Everyone waited with bated

breath, and when the artillery was fired, the reco

l and explosion were much stronger than the pre

ious shots.Because it was a valley, there was an e

cho, but no matter how hard I tried to follow it, I

couldn’t see Cheolhwan flying.Those who were lo

oking for the landing point below searched arou

nd for a while and found Cheolhwan with difficul

y, but when I roughly calculated it, it seemed like

it was an easy 1,500 steps.Although the same am

ount of gunpowder and iron pills were used,This l

vel of difference in performance was quite interes

ting.Of course, Choi Mu-seon was looking at the

newly made gunpowder as if he was fascinated b

y something. By now he might be wondering wh

광주룸싸롱 O1O.5712.0948 광주유흥주점 광주비지니스룸싸롱 광주정통룸싸롱

at made the difference.But this wasn’t necessaril

y a good thing.“It’s hard to believe even when I

see it with my own eyes that the performance ha

s improved so much just by changing the salt an

d gunpowder manufacturing method.”“Now that th

e gunpowder has been improved to this extent, let

’s pay more attention to the artillery.”“I will keep t

hat in mind.”A cannon is a fairly delicate device.Th

e caliber of iron ring and artillery must match well

to properly push out the gas generated during the

explosion.Above all, standardization had to be ach

ieved properly.Of course, Choi Mu-seon also under

stood well what I was talking about. While he was

writing down in pencil the conversation he had just

had, the cart with the canvas was moved.